Art Brut

ArtBrut "Good Weekend"

First time I saw her,
I wanted more than just to hold her.
I wanted to bend and fold her,
so I leant over and I told her.

Got myself a brand new girlfriend
Got myself a brand new girlfriend

So many messages to send,
got myself a brand new girlfriend
We wanna be, lapsed Catholic,
got the contraception,
haven’t got the knack yet.
We’ve tried it a variety of ways,
I’ve not slept in about 4 days.

Got myself a brand new girlfriend
Got myself a brand new girlfriend

Phone’s ringing all weekend,
got myself a brand new girlfriend
So many messages to send,
got myself a brand new girlfriend
Phone’s ringing all weekend,
got myself a brand new girlfriend

So, we went to the cinema,
we came home from the cinema
We went through the front door,
up the stairs, through the bedroom door,
onto the bedroom floor
I’ve seen her naked twice, I’ve seen her naked twice!
Brand new girlfriend

Phone’s ringing all weekend,
got myself a brand new girlfriend
So many messages to send,
got myself a brand new girlfriend
Phone’s ringing all weekend

Think I’m going round the bend
G-g-g-girlfriend, got myself a brand new girlfriend
And I think that I love her.


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